The Bakery Is Closed Again

Helston Old Cemetery Chapel 5th Jul 2024 7:30pm

by ReBels Young Company presented by Trevow Helston

From community areas to wild landscapes, spaces all around us are being stolen, lost, mishandled.

Inspired by the attempted Wild Camping Ban on Dartmoor and the rising destruction of other community spaces, this episodic play explores the reaction to the loss of spaces through snapshots of various peoples’ lives.

Combining stylised movement, original music and new writing, this abstract show dives into the meaning of spaces for the individual.

About ReBels Young Company

We are delighted to welcome the Barbian Theatre's, ReBels Young Company to Helston. The project is designed to be a springboard for emerging artists, allowing them to take on a creative challenge in a risk-free environment without the financial barriers typically associated with touring. Barbican Theatre’s ReBel’s Talent Development has developed a cohort of early career artists aged 18 - 25 and given them the paid opportunity to create a show suitable for touring. The Barbican provide participants with mentorship, support, funding and paid work to help them produce their first show from scratch. The mentorship is provided by a team of under 30s who range from established creatives to early careers artists to participants in our pilot programme for ReBels Young Company. This programme aims to platform unheard voices, all of the company and mentors are members of communities who have historically been underrepresented in the arts. This ethos extends throughout the entire development of this piece of work with the cast, crew and creative team being selected from an open call of early-career artists.

​Find out more about ReBels Young Company here.

Flexible Ticket Prices for Performances

We understand things are challenging for many people.

​To try and make the work that Trevow Helston programmes as accessible as possible we are offering three ticket prices for the show and a free ticket draw. Please book the ticket that reflects what you can afford right now. You won't be asked any questions and your ticket options won't be shared with anyone.

​£14 Supporter Show Ticket
This ticket includes a donation to support Trevow Helston's work

​£10 Just a Show Ticket
This ticket covers our core costs of the event

​£6 Helping You Show Ticket
If you can only afford this ticket right now we all understand

£0 Show Ticket Draw
If you cannot afford a ticket right now please enter our free ticket draw. Trevow Helston will give away as many tickets as we are able to and we will inform you if you have won tickets a minimum of three days before the event. To enter the ticket draw please click here

What do I need to know?

This event will take place at the Helston Old Cemetery Chapel, Meneage Road, Helston, TR13 8BH.

There is a large pay and display car park opposite the Helston Medical Centre, Trelawney Rd, Helston TR13 8AU. This is a 5-10 minute walk away. It is possible to drop-off and pick-up immediately outside the chapel building.

​There is level access from the tarmac path into the side door of the chapel. There is space inside the chapel for wheelchairs. The seating will be on pews. If we can support you at our event in other ways please contact us on [email protected]

A small pop-up bar will be available at this event. Cash and card payments will be accepted.

​Recommended age 16+.

Due to the nature of the production, latecomers cannot be admitted.

​We estimate a run time of approximately 60 minutes.

Our performances may be filmed or photographed and the material may be used by Trevow Helston, its sister company Cousin Jack's or the performance company at any time for evaluation, promotion or other projects. Please be aware that it is the ticket buyer's responsibility to inform members of their party that this will be happening.

Tickets are non-refundable.