If you look over the fence, you will get an idea of what the land was like before Miss Cade and Billy Rawlings began work.  On this steep and rocky terrain the two of them worked with hand tools to clear the ground and create the theatre we see today.   

Billy Rawlings was skilled in Cornish hedging, which is the art of setting natural stones in earth to make a banked wall.  He taught Miss Cade the skills of landscaping and she also became an expert in working with concrete.  Where they needed to move rocks, they would either split them with hand tools or, if they were too big, set dynamite charges to blow them apart.   

Most of the structures you can see in the theatre were designed and built by Miss Cade herself.  They are made from concrete mixed with sand from the beach, which she carried up the cliff in sacks.   

Continue down the steps to the terrace level in the middle of the theatre.